Images of Paris... Page 7: Sexy ads

Advertisers here in France, and in Europe for that matter, are not overly concerned with "not showing too much" if you know what I mean. The ads here often show full frontal (and rearal) nudity, mostly women, and usually in ads for body products in pharmacies. Sounds harmless enough, but they're often in seductive, alluring poses. (Soory for the low resolution pic's!) The women here don't seem too concerned with it either, so this page will be ever expanding (pun intended) with these sexy ads. And yes, in the name of political correctness, I'll try to throw in some naked guys here and there just to keep it even, as long as I remember to shoot them when I see 'em.

I think this one started the whole thing. This healthy woman is apparently topless, and the rest of her is covered in a fishnet short-skirt, under which she is sporting a black dental-floss thong. Yee-ouch!
Just yer basic skin cream ad...

This one, by the same company, is for some pills that make your body feel "a little younger," yet to get real effectiveness out of the ad, they've planted a near-naked babe in it. Works for me...

At least this is a cover for a beauty magazine.

This ad almost made me get hit by a car on rue Commerce.

OK, I guess ads for bras are off the hook.

Is she saying "I aim for your rear?"

This ad should just be illegal.

More to, uh, come...

Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10