The Wayfaring Adventures of Rod and Clinton...


April/May, 1999: Copenhagen

A nice, spacious and comfortable room is always well appreciated after a plane flight and walk from the train station to the hotel.

I take inventory of necessary items, making sure I left nothing at the last hotel.

By this time I had accumulated an array of coins from various countries. Recognize that weird one at the top right? I don't.

Getting into the Copenhagen airport

The Radhuspladsen is at the center of town
around the corner from the train station.

From here you can walk to just about any of the sights in Copenhagen including Tivoli Gardens, The Strøget which is the world's longest pedestrian walkway, and Christiansborg.

The town doesn't have as many canals as Amsterdam or Venice, but there are a few including two large main canals running through the outskirts of inner Copenhagen.

These are shots of a couple that run around Christiansborg.

Tivoli Gardens.
A famous remnant of the 19th century, this amusement park is quaint and nothing like you see in California. This ain't no Great America!

Most of the attractions are of the "old fashioned" variety, without the conglomeration of oversized mechanical rides and such.

Visitors can see shows at various outdoor theaters like this Marionette show, or music at this ornate Chinese Theater.

An elephant ride keeps a young'n busy for awhile.

Dr. Rod and I partake of some ice cream.

After Tivoli, we take a walk down the Strøget. There are many shops and eateries, cigars stores, bars and pretty girls.

This day we happened to run into a bunch of American kids who were aspiring rock and roll musicians. I think they're still aspiring.

Two more sights include the Rosenborg Palace which houses many Royal Danish treasures including the Crown Jewels.

The babes at the Hard Rock Cafe, Copenhagen. (No, I didn't get a T-shirt!)

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