Études Au Bass ElectriqueOne night in 2002 I turned on the Mac, fired up Pro Tools (and had a little red wine) and this is what I came up with. Some fun little snippets of sound, some real short, some longer. All in all there's some interesting, all impromptu sounds here. I call them Etudes, as they are little studies that I explain in the text below. I talk about the picking of the strings, the use of the seperate pickups, the functions of the right and left hands, and how these affect the sound that one gets from the instrument. All sounds are on my Fender Jazz fretless bass, and on the the first four tracks I play along with Keith's beat box. There's a little stereo chorus and reverb with outboard effects boxes. No fancy Pro Tools tricks either, with the exception of the Backwards stuff which I really dug a lot. I hope you enjoy them. CD |
Longer clips |
-n- Drums Slap 1 Bass -n-
Drums in G Bass
-n- Drums Slap 2 Bass
-n- Drums Strum C# - E Delay E-Slap Harmonics Softly Sweetly |
Short clips |
Hammer-ons Harmonics
C major Lick:
E fast Lick:
E slap Lick:
Octave Vroom |
Backwards clips |
1 |
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